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POLITIC4007: Global Environmental Politics


Global Environmental Politics was a course taken at the University of Glasgow in Glasgow, Scotland. This course covered all three pillars of sustainability: economic, social, and environmental. The course analyzed the nuances of international climate agreements by addressing state-based leaders and non-governmental organizations though political lens. The one written assignment for the course asked students to compare the proposals of two countries in the Paris Agreement in 2015: one developed, and one developing. 

Taught by Patrick Bayer

Skills Developed:
  • Political Analysis 
  • Economic Analysis 
  • Global Policy Analysis 
  • Climate Negotiation Methods 
  • Policy Research
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Relation to Environmental Justice

Environmental justice requires analyzing political landscapes through and equity lens. This course covered the immense nuances of international trade agreements as they related to privileged, wealthier, and developed countries leading the narratives, while many countries who are not as economically advantaged will often bear the brunt of climate change and may not have the means to meet the standards set forth. The class lectures taught students how to hone this equity lens to view modern day international politics. 

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